A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

play the first two chapters of my co-op action RPG

please let me know what you think, any feedback is greatly appreciated

all controls are explained in game
press any button on a controller to automatically connect it, controls can be rebound in settings

Updated 5 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
Authormagno chuntey


Paths and Ways - Demo v19 - Windows.rar 59 MB
Paths and Ways - Demo v19 - Mac.zip 79 MB
Paths and Ways - Demo v19 - Linux.rar 60 MB

Install instructions

WINDOWS: download the .zip file, extract the files, and run the .exe

MAC: download the .zip file, extract the files, and run the app
(if Gatekeeper blocks it, you can bypass this by holding down the Control key and clicking on the app icon in the Finder window, selecting Open, and then Open again in the confirmation dialog)

LINUX: download the .zip file, extract the files, right click the .x86_64 file, select properties, click the permissions tab, check the allow executing file as program checkbox, then run the .x86_64 file

Development log


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(1 edit)

I totally loved this update! All the improvements to the first chapter and the chapter 2 area! I loved the attention to detail in the cave! The lamp swaying around, the rats and the tiny spiders! And the occasional rock tumbling sounds! This was one of my favorite updates so far! I loved it!

yo thank you so much! I really appreciate you taking the time to check it out!

Just tried it in co-op and it was really nice and fun! Wish it was longer... ;]
Cool things we liked:
- music, especially the hyper one in the Sackface camp
- cute graphics and the color palette
- easy controls setup
- clear tutorial
- cutscene of dead player being dragged back by the Teacher

Does leveling up do anything? We leveled up our strength, but I don't think our health bars increased.

Great job! Can't wait for the next update(s)!

thank you so much for checking it out and the kind feedback! I really appreciate it :))

increasing strength does increase your health points, but the bar remains the same size!

I loved the full chapter so much. Just played it and it was amazing. I love the new button mappings, the boss was great, and the wooden log you can break to quickly cross over the gap. I can't believe how far the game has come. Have a nice summer! 

you legend! thanks for always checking it out, really appreciate your kind words. you too!

feedback notes I wrote as I was playing

- the menu flashes dark and bright which is very not good for sensitive eyes

- you're a bit too slow, I'd increase the speed very slightly (you should never wait for your player to get somewhere)

- the bare hands weapon has a short range that feels confusingly too short

- the text tutorial should be made a lot better (maybe not just a wall of text?) (I didn't understand what the turtle was explaining when talking about poise at all)

- very sweet music though, I love the beats

- I feel like you should be able to easily dodge roll away when attacking to dodge a hit, I feel like the only way to not get hit is to block (if this fits your vision)

- combat feels nice, yet some aspects feel unresponsive, and walking away when fighting to regain stamina feels very off like you shouldn't be doing that (you should stay in combat instead of awkwardly walking away as the enemy chases you)

- I am not good at this lol (more because I feel like I don't get it more than "it's hard", this is not what you want as a designer (idk the point of dodging currently))

- I feel like enemies should be stunned a bit when you block them, just slightly, regardless of if it's parried (I'm like "yay, I blocked it", then I go for a hit right after and somehow they already hit me first and kill me)

- I don't get it, I keep taking dmg for what seems like I can't do anything about it, I will be stopping here (right after the campsite) charming style beyond that

hope that feedback helps

thank you for your feedback I really appreciate it!

I do want my game to be challenging, but not frustrating, I have been making lots of balance tweaks to ease the player in more, and hope it will be a more enjoyable experience for new players soon :)

completely agree that the tutorial shouldn't be a wall of text, that is something I would definitely like to change, however I'm very much focussed on gameplay at the moment

I hope you'll give it another chance further down the line :) thanks again for checking it out

This is my favourite build of the game. I think the game is balanced perfectly, especially with the addition of the health potion. I also really like the campsite xp level up system! I can't wait for what the future holds. 

Have a nice day!

thank you! appreciate you checking it out always :))

(1 edit) (+1)

The Linux Version crashes after first part (when the game starts you go upwards and then the game loads and crashes)

edit: also resolution setting doesn't work either

interesting, thanks for letting me know, ill see if i can get my hands on a linux system to test as i am running windows myself

easiest thing to do is use a virtual machine (VM)... download a Linux ISO such as Ubuntu, install VirtualBox, and then use it to setup Linux in a VM. Guide here: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-run-ubuntu-desktop-on-a-virtual-machine-usin...


I play on Linux Ubuntu and everything works fine, the game doesn't crash and all the settings work great.

thanks for confirming, I have tried it on a Linux system today and also had no problems ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I think it might just be that a worse computer might not handle it. I have a not bad computer and the game freezes for a second when loading the 2nd area, and if someone had a worse one, it could crash. But it could also be a distribution thing tho.

actually.... yeah its most likely bc of bad computer cuz i ahve a really bad one....

its most probably my computer but can you also check if the resoution setting works for you

Nice little demo with lots of potential, some feedback below. Please don't take any of it negatively, it's just suggestions/bugs for a demo I enjoyed.

- It's too hard, others will argue it isn't, but it is. When you think it's ridiculously easy you'll have it just right for a start area

- The path through the woods to each area would benefit from being made more obvious, also make it more obvious when that path is locked

- If you approach your guide slightly to one side and stand right next to him you'll perform an attack when pressing V rather than initiating a chat

- It's very hard to tell when an enemy is dead, and with the bigger enemies I was caught out a couple of times because they were just stunned but looked dead. Perhaps their colour could drain slightly when they are dead as a visual hint the fight is over?

- When you don't have a sword your punches sound like sword hits rather than the meaty punch sound effect I expected to hear

- It would be nice to have an enemy lock-on, but not essential. That's just a personal preference of mine so feel free to ignore.

- Is there a way to heal? If there is I didn't spot it


thank you very much for the feedback I really appreciate it and hope you'll give it another go further down the line!

do you think if I showed a hint, saying you will have to block or dodge to avoid taking damage when you meet the first non-crawling ghoul, that would help with the difficulty? my aim for the first room was to ensure the player knows hot to and is actively blocking/dodging

i will certainly consider making the exits more obvious, and i could definitely do with making the difference between being down and being dead more obvious, and tweaking the punch SFX

lock-on would be interesting, i hadn't considered that before

no way to heal yet, but health potions will be coming soon :)

thanks again for taking the time to play

perhaps with blocking, the first few times you get hit you can flash up a "B to block" hint on the screen. The first few ghouls could be really easy and you just ramp up slowly with the sword-wielding enemies being the first real challenge.

Really good progress! The new weaker enemies are much easier to beat.

I really like the animation of the turtle dragging you back to the start.

thank you so much :))

This is one of the best games I have seen, the atmosphere, the art style, the music. I cannot wait for when it gets finished! 

legend thank you!

Thank you for adding a linux version! I can't wait to play! :)

no problem! let me know if it works I haven't actually tested it

Works flawlessly! Both keyboard and controller work as normal.

Although, correction. I am not sure if this is only on linux,

but once a player is killed, the slow mode never ends.

It just continues and you have to restart the match to continue.

(This is only a problem for the player vs player mode)

Thanks for confirming, that is present on all versions, currently pressing R is the only way to reset until I add a proper way :)

(1 edit)

thanks to magno chuntey for eager to learn more about coding and made something that really accomplished, btw i subbed you. this was fun to play with friends ngl

thanks for checking it out!

this is soo cosy and nice to play. thanks!

thank you!

Ever a possibility for a linux version?


for sure, i'll try work out how to export for linux with my next build

Good prototype, interested to see where it goes. You should put the .exe and .pck into one zip file though


thank you, and I have done just that! cheers for the tip

if you put up a mac version you can use terminal to open it without getting a apple creator license.  - xattr -cr    ( this code) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJC3xz-MPq4

i've put a mac version up now :)


Very satisfying. Love to see where this goes

thanks! should have an update up in a few days :)


Following on youtube and really like the videos. Any chance for a Mac build?


thanks! and yeah for sure, I did try to make one but it wasn't quite as simple as windows, I'll try to post one along with the next video :)

Hey! Been following along on Youtube.
I've found that exporting to Html5 isn't that difficult with Godot - maybe something to consider for the playtesting builds?


Thanks for the tip! I'll definitely think about including a web build on my next release :)